Discord: https://discord.gg/pa
Unit database: https://palobby.com/units
Upcoming Balance Changes
- Reduced ranges for most units
Upcoming New Mechanics
- Deep space radar
- Shields
Recent Balance Changes
Refer to technical details for spec changes.
- Stinger anti-air bot is back!
115678 / 115693
Underwater vision removed for all non amphibious land units.
AA target priorities now include Icarus solar drone.
Spark vision decreased.
Grenadier vision decreased.
Changed amphibious units on sea floor to require underwater vision if below the water line (115693)
115506 / 115521
Grenadier range decreased.
Catapult tactical missile launcher rate of fire and cost increased.
Holkins long range artillery cost increased.
Orca destroyer torpedo range decreased.
Orbital Fabrication Bot surface radar changed to surface vision.
115447 / 115459
Fixed beam weapon collisions with structures, terrain and water surface.
Commander can now build orbital launchers and umbrellas.
Icarus solar drone beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures, terrain and water surface
Orbital Launcher cost decreased and now buildable by commander.
Orbital Factory cost increased.
Umbrella is now buildable by commander.
Anchor beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures, terrain and water surface.
SXX-1304 laser platform beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures, terrain and water surface with no underwater vision.
Artemis railgun platform beam weapon now collides with enemies and structures.
Omega orbital battleship beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures and terrain and can target seafloor with underwater vision.
Helios orbital titan beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures and terrain.
Dox assault bot speed increased.
Grenadier vision and range decreased.
Storm mobile flak no longer has under water vision.
Dox assault bot acceleration increased.
Advanced Metal Extractor production rate increased.
Stryker attack vehicle speed decreased to match Dox.
Ant light tank turn rate increased.
Grenadier vision decreased.
Spark tesla bot range increased.
Mend advanced combat fabricator cost decreased.
Spinner anti-air vehicle rate of fire decreased.
Piranha gunboat range decreased.
Barracuda submarine now has radar stealth.
Kraken advanced stealth submarine can now be targeted by mines.
Horsefly advanced heavy strafing aircraft cost decreased.
Angel advanced air support platform cost decreased.
Land and sea mines now reveal units and target radar stealth.
Grenadier acceleration decreased.
Added UNITTYPE_WaterHover
and are no longer targetable by below the waterline naval torpedoes
- Naval Basic Fabrication Ship
- Barnacle support barge
- Piranha gunboat
Note: This excludes amphibious torpedoes from:
- Commander
- Slammer advanced assault bot
The following naval below the waterline torpedo weapons no longer target UNITTYPE_WaterHover
with "exclude_unit_types": "Hover | WaterHover"
- Torpedo Launcher
- Advanced Torpedo Launcher
- Barracuda submarine
- Orca destroyer
- Kraken advanced stealth submarine
- Typhoon carrier drone
Vanguard heavy tank is now a mobile radar jammer.
Grenadier splash damage decreased.
Slammer advanced assault bot damage decreased.
Typhoon drone carrier Squall drones torpedo damage decreased.
Jig gas mining platform cost increased.
114803 / 114823
Grenadier splash radius decreased and velocity range increased.
Gil-E advanced sniper bot vision decreased and can no longer target seafloor.
Naval Basic Fabrication Ship navigation changed to new water-hover with updated flat bottom model.
Barnacle support barge navigation changed to new water-hover with updated flat bottom model and can now build teleporters on land
- Fixed target priorities vision
Fixed attack (focus fire) delayed targeting and charging to their death for units with a firing delay, ballistic solutions, etc. eg Commander, Grenadier, Hornets, etc.
Added water-hover navigation type for low draft brown water navy access to shallows.
- Faster and more accurate alt-fire ubercannon d-gun
- Fixed all commanders to have identical mesh bounds based on base commander spec
Piranha gunboat / sea scout:
- Navigation changed to new water-hover with updated flat bottom model
Area build:
- Four wide strips of land mines
- Double walls
- Nuke farm sphere
- Double Galata Anti-Air
- Double Flak Cannon Advanced Anti-Air
Partially fixed attack (focus fire) charging to their death for units with a firing delay, ballistic solutions, etc. eg Grenadier, Hornets, etc.
Queued area load and unload can now be used to create a temporary ferry.
Commander build range increased.
Icarus solar drone speed increased.
Stryker attack vehicle speed increased (faster than Dox)
Grenadier rate of fire, yaw, range and accuracy increased
Drifter hover tank range and damage increased
Pelter medium range artillery range and accuracy decreased
Orbital Launcher cost decreased
Mend advanced combat fabricator can now build Anti-Nuke Launchers and Umbrella anti-orbital defenses (check the build range)
Anchor defense satellite ground weapon range decreased
Jig gas mining platform energy and metal production decreased
Orbital Fabrication Bot can now build T1 metal extractors.
Stryker attack vehicle ammo damage and velocity increased.
New Units
Stinger anti-air bot
Horsefly advanced heavy strafing aircraft
Stryker attack vehicle
New Mechanics / Automation
Radar Jamming
Vanguard heavy tank is now a mobile radar jammer.
Area Load / Chase and Custom Formation Unload
The following transports can now queue area loads:
Note: area load will now wait for units to enter or rolloff a factory in the area and can be queued with unload to create a temporary ferry.
Area load / chase and custom formation unload are also enabled in classic PA.
Auto Reclaim
The following can now auto reclaim:
Note: patrol will not normally reclaim if economy is positive and metal storage is full. Auto reclaim units will always reclaim wreckage while patrolling.
Amphibious Sea Floor Targeting
Amphibious units moving on the seafloor which are near the water or above the water surface can now be targeted as surface units.
The following can no longer target sea floor (113929):
- Dox assault bot
- Slammer advanced assault bot
- Stryker attack vehicle
- Ant light laser tank
- Drifter hover tank
- Leveler advanced tank
Defenders still have the advantage as units must surface and if underwater they can still be targeted by artillery and bombers.
Amphibious sea floor targeting is also enabled in classic PA.
Water Hover Navigation Type
Brown water navy are now water hover to access shallows (114438) and are no longer targeted by below the water line naval torpedoes (114980).
Noteworthy Balance Changes in 2019
T2 Advanced Metal Extractor cost increased and production rate decreased to slow T2 rush in favour of expansion, map control and T1 units (113410).
The following can no longer target air (113945)
Advanced Hornet tactical bomber and Wyrm heavy bomber speeds increased.
Naval speeds increased to be faster than land (113553).
Typhoon drone carrier Squall drones can fire torpedoes (113318).
Target priorities updated for:
- Holkins long range artillery
- Ares hover titan
- Bumblebee bomber
- Kestrel advanced gunship
- Hornet advanced tactical bomber
- Wyrm advanced heavy siege bomber
- Zeus air titan
- Narwhal frigate
- Stingray missile ship
Technical Details
Land and sea mines changed to sight vision which now reveals units and targets radar stealth.
- Post increased from 1,500 to 2,000 (113410)
Production rate decreased from 20 to 15 (113410)- Production rate increased to 16 from 15 (115186)
T2 Bot / Vehicle / Air / Naval Advanced Factories
- Cost increased to 4,800 from 4,500 (113034)
Boom bot
- Removed underwater vision (115693)
Dox assault bot
- Can no longer target sea floor (113929)
- Can no longer target air (113945)
- Acceleration increased to 180 from 50 (115186)
- Speed increased to 19 from 18 (115447)
- Rate of fire increased to 0.5 from 0.4 (114344)
Range increased to 145 from 130 (114344)- Yaw ranged increased to 135 from 90 (114344)
- Idle aim delay decreased to 0.5 from 1.0 (114344)
Firing standard deviation decreased to 0.75 from 1.0 (114344 / 114803)- Splash radius decreased to 5 from 6 (114803)
- Min firing velocity decreased to 70 from 85 (114803)
- Max firing velocity increased to 90 from 88 (114823)
- Splash damage decreased to 30 from 40 (114862)
- Acceleration decreased from 120 to 100 (114980)
Vision decreased to 125 from 130 (115050)- Vision decreased to 115 from 125 (115447)
- Range decreased to 140 from 145 (115506)
- Removed underwater vision (115678)
- Vision decreased to 100 from 115 (115678)
Spark tesla bot
- Range increased to 70 from 65 (115050)
- Vision decreased to 120 from 130 (115678)
- Removed underwater vision (115678)
Mend T2 advanced combat fabricator (check the build range)
- Will now auto reclaim nearby wreckage if nothing to repair (113681)
- Can now build Laser Defense Turret, Flak Cannon and Radar (113929)
- Can now build Anti-Nuke Launchers and Umbrella anti-orbital defenses (114344)
- Cost decreased to 1,000 from 1,200 (115050)
Slammer T2 advanced assault bot
- Can no longer target sea floor (113929)
- Damage decreased to 90 from 100 (114852)
Gil-E T2 advanced sniper bot
- Velocity increased to 1000 from 600 (113929)
- Can now target Stingray Tactical Missile (113945)
- Vision and range decreased to 200 from 220 (114803)
- Can no longer target seafloor (114803)
Bluehawk T2 mobile tactical missile
- Removed underwater vision (115693)
Locusts T2 nanobot swarms
Lob Dox launcher
- Range decreased to effective range of 240 (no change to existing behaviour and range circle will now be correct)
Vehicles / Tanks
Skitter vehicle scout
- Added
Stryker attack vehicle
- Can no longer target sea floor (113929)
- Can no longer target air (113945)
- Damage increased to 15 from 12 (114218)
- Ammo velocity increased to 140 from 120 (114218)
Speed increased to 20 from 15 (114344)- Added
(114980) - Speed decreased to 18 from 20 to match Dox (115050)
- Removed underwater vision (115693)
Ant light tank
- Can no longer target sea floor (113929)
- Turn rate increased to 120 from 90 (115050)
Inferno armour tank
- Removed underwater vision (115693)
Drifter hover tank
- Can no longer target sea floor (113929)
- Range increased to 115 from 100 (114344)
- Damage increased to 125 from 120 (114344)
Leveler T2 advanced tank
- Can no longer target sea floor (113929)
- Range increased to 140 from 120 (113936)
- Velocity increased to 160 from 140 (113936)
- Turn rate increased to 60 from 50 (113936)
Vanguard T2 advanced heavy tank
- Radar increased to 260 from 150 (113936)
- Radar jamming 75 added (114862)
- Removed underwater vision (115678)
Sheller T2 mortar tank
- Removed underwater vision (115678)
Ares hover titan
- Target priorities added (113318)
Titan & ( Land | Naval )
Artillery & Advanced & ( Land | Naval )
Nuke | NukeDefense
Also see mobile anti-air below.
Pelter medium range artillery
- Firing standard deviation increased to 0.5 from 0.35
- Range decreased to 240 from 260
Catapult tactical missile launcher
- Rate of fire increased to 0.4 from 0.2
- Cost increased to 2,000 from 1,800
Holkins T2 long range artillery
- Target priorities added (113318)
Titan & ( Land | Naval )
Artillery & Advanced & ( Land | Naval )
Nuke | NukeDefense
- Cost increased to 10,000 from 9,600 (115506)
Mobile Anti-Air
Spinner anti-air vehicle
Rate of fire increased to 3 from 2 (113034)- Range increased to 130 from 120 (113929)
- Added
(114980) - Rate of fire decreased to 2.4 from 3 (115050)
- Removed underwater vision (115693)
Storm T2 advanced mobile flak vehicle (113681)
- Health increased to 400 from 300
- Changed to fire 4 projectiles
- Damage decreased to 15 from 60
- Splash damage decreased to 10 from 30
- Velocity increased to 100 from 60
- Added pitch of 60 with pitch rate of 360
- Second stage duration decreased to 300 from 700
- First target priority changed to Air & (Bomber | Gunship)
- Range increased to 100 from 80 (113929)
- Removed underwater vision (115447)
Static Anti-Air
Galata Anti-Air
- Rate of fire increased to 4 from 3 (113034)
- Removed underwater vision (115678)
Flak Cannon T2 advanced anti-air (113681)
- Changed to fire 4 beams
- Damage decreased to 40 from 150
- Splash damage decreased to 40 from 150
- First target priority changed to Air & (Bomber | Gunship)
- Range increased to 120 from 100 (113929)
- Removed underwater vision (115678)
Icarus Solar Drone
- Speed increased to 50 from 30 (114344)
Kestrel T2 advanced gunship
- Target priorities added (113318)
AirDefense & ( Land | Naval )
Titan & ( Land | Naval )
Artillery & Advanced & ( Land | Naval )
Nuke | NukeDefense
- Damage decreased to 15 from 20 (113681)
Hornet T2 advanced tactical bomber
- Target priorities added (113318)
AirDefense & ( Land | Naval )
Titan & ( Land | Naval )
Artillery & Advanced & ( Land | Naval )
Nuke | NukeDefense
- Speed increased to 40 from 30 (113953)
- Can no longer target seafloor or underwater layer / subs (113953)
- Cost increased to 800 from 600 (113600)
Horsefly T2 advanced heavy strafing aircraft
Cost increased to 2,000 from 1,200 (114353)- Health decreased to 1,250 from 1,500 (114349)
- No longer targets air (114349)
- Cost decreased to 1,800 from 2,000 (115050)
Wyrm T2 advanced heavy siege bomber
- Target priorities added (113318)
AirDefense & ( Land | Naval )
Titan & ( Land | Naval )
Artillery & Advanced & ( Land | Naval )
Nuke | NukeDefense
- Added heavy unit type
(113681) - Speed increased to 30 from 20 (113945)
Angel T2 advanced air support platform
- Can now manually reclaim wreckage / features and will auto reclaim nearby wreckage if nothing to repair
- Speed increased to 40 from 30 (113945)
- Health increased to 1,200 from 1,000 (113945)
- Cost decreased to 5,000 from 5,500 (115050)
Zeus air titan
- Target priorities added (113318)
AirDefense & ( Land | Naval )
Artillery & Advanced & ( Land | Naval )
Nuke | NukeDefense
- Navigation changed to new water-hover with updated flat bottom model (114438)
- Added
(114980) - No longer targetable by torpedoes (114980)
Piranha gunboat / sea scout
- Navigation changed to new water-hover with updated flat bottom model (114438)
- Removed
(114980) - Added
(114980) - No longer targetable by torpedoes (114980)
- Range decreased to 120 from 130 (115050)
Barnacle support barge
- Navigation changed to new water-hover with updated flat bottom model (114438)
- Added
(114980 - )No longer targetable by torpedoes (114980)
Narwhal frigate
- Speed increased to 12 from 9 (113550)
Target priorities: (114473)Air & ( Transport | Bomber | Gunship | Titan )
Mobile & Air
- Target priorities: (115678)
Air & ( EnergyProduction | Transport | Bomber | Gunship | Titan )
Mobile & Air
Orca destroyer
- Torpedoes now have splash damage (113318)
- Speed increased to 12 from 9 (113550)
- Torpedo range decreased to 145 from 150 (115506)
Barracuda stealth submarine
- Added radar stealth (115050)
Stingray T2 advanced missile ship
- Speed increased to 11 from 8 (113550)
Anti-air target priorities: (114473)Air & ( Transport | Bomber | Gunship | Titan )
Mobile & Air
- Anti-air target priorities: (115678)
Air & ( EnergyProduction | Transport | Bomber | Gunship | Titan )
Mobile & Air
Leviathan T2 advanced battleship
- Speed increased to 11 from 8 (113550)
Typhoon T2 advanced drone carrier
- Speed increased to 11 from 8 (113550)
- Cost decreased to 5,200 from 6,500 (113550)
- Ammo rate increased to 30 metal per second or 20 stored drones then one per second once depleted (113550)
- Initial launch stage decreased to 200 from 500 for shorter launch before turn (113550)
- Now targets sea floor (113550)
- Guard layer changed to WL_AnyLayer from WL_AnySurface with guard radius of 100 (113583)
- Launch projectile lifetime changed to 3.0 from 2.0 (113583)
- Squall drones
- Drones can now fire a single short range low damage torpedo (113318)
- Weapons priority changed to torpedoes (113550)
- Torpedo rate of fire increased to 0.8 from max 1 with up to 10 low damage torpedoes depending on range to target (113550)
- Torpedo damage decreased to 75 from 100 (114862)
Kraken T2 advanced stealth submarine
- Can now be targeted by mines (115050)
- Commander buildable (115447)
Cost decreased to 1,500 from 2,000 (114344)- Cost decreased to 600 from 1,500 (115447)
- Commander buildable (115447)
- Can now build T1 metal extractors (114218)
- Cost decreased to 600 to match T1 factories (115447)
- Surface radar changed to surface vision (115506)
Anchor defense satellite
- Ground weapon range reduced to 80 from 100 (114344)
- Beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures, terrain and water surface (115447)
Jig gas mining platform
- Metal production decreased to 30 from 36 (114344)
- Energy production decreased to 7,500 from 9,000 (114344)
- Cost increased to 4,000 from 3,000 (114862)
- Cost increased to 6,000 from 3,600 (115447)
SXX-1304 laser platform
- Beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures, terrain and water surface (115447)
- Removed underwater vision (115459)
Artemis railgun platform
- Beam weapon now collides with enemies and structures (115447)
Omega orbital battleship
- Beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures and terrain (115447)
- Can now target seafloor (115459)
- Now has underwater vision of 200 (115459)
Helios orbital titan
- Beam weapon now collides with enemies, structures and terrain (115447)
- Anti-air rate of fire increased to 2 from 1 (113034)
- Build range increased to 30 from 20 (114344)
- Faster and more accurate alt-fire ubercannon d-gun (114438)
- Fixed all commanders to have identical mesh bounds based on base commander spec (114438)
- Can now build orbital launchers and umbrellas (115447)
- Anti-air target priorities: (115678)
Air & ( EnergyProduction | Transport | Bomber | Gunship | Titan )
Mobile & Air